Westshore Updates and Reminders: February, 2023

Happy New Year!!
We’ve started off 2023 with a lot of rain, which has Lake Pillsbury as full as it can be right now. Several gates on the dam
are open which is allowing a steady release. In addition, the ground saturation has allowed our spring to recover and is
currently running at a good capacity again, which is excellent news for our camp’s water supply. We are hopeful enough
rain and snow will continue to fall through the winter and early spring months to ensure a very good summer camping

Annual Paperwork/Dues:
Camp dues and Annual paperwork has been mailed out in early February. Please remember to completely fill out all required paperwork. Review and initial all rules and regulations, even if some may not directly apply to your camp, because these are the rules for the entire campground. Return all paperwork along with your annual dues’ payment postmarked no later than April 30, 2023. A link for electronic payment will be included in the email you receive from our treasurer along with your annual dues invoice should you wish to take advantage of that option.

Spring Scheduled Maintenance Days:
Our first spring Westshore Maintenance Day will be scheduled for Saturday, March 18 th . The remaining schedule for spring maintenances days will be April 22 nd and 23 rd , and May 20 th and 21 st . Please remember that all scheduled work days are subject to weather conditions. Should a maintenance day be postponed or canceled, we will do our very best to reschedule, however a reschedule is not guaranteed. All scheduled maintenance days and events are listed on the annual calendar you received with your annual paperwork.

This will be the first year we offer tiered credits for work days. A breakdown of the tiered credits will be included in your annual paperwork, listed on our Dues Rate Schedule.

Additional Reminders:
Please remember that merchandise with our new and amazing logo that represents Lake Pillsbury and Westshore are available for purchase. Visit www.shoplakepillsbury.com for all that’s currently available.
Lastly, our Caretakers wanted us to remind you that they are available to assist you if you need help raking your camp. This would be outside of their normal campground duties and any arrangements are strictly between you and them. We provided their direct contact information in the email you received on January 30 th.

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a safe and happy new year. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Westshore Board of Directors

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Hello Westshore Members,

PG&E/County of Lake Update:

At the time of this update, we are still waiting to hear back from PG&E on their proposed allowances for any structures to remain in the campground, and their letter of consent which would allow our attorney to work directly with the County of Lake on behalf of our association. We had been told that PG&E would tentatively have some resolution this week. However, since this is an upcoming holiday weekend, we believe at this point that will be delayed until at least next week. In the meantime, Lake County is waiting to hear from us on receiving PG&E’s consent to allow Martin to negotiate directly with the County.   

September 18th Maintenance Day to be Rescheduled:

The campground is looking good.  There has been a lot of effort put forth by a large percentage of our campers, and we’ve continued to make good strives toward removing structures that would require a building permit and that PG&E has stated they will not allow. However, there is still work needing done and some camps are still delayed in starting. In light of that, we have decided to postpone our September maintenance day to encourage that the priority downsizing of camps is not interfered with. We will plan to reschedule in October and make it a two-day work weekend on the 16th and 17th.  It’s most important to complete all work in individual camps right now to bring the camp into compliance as best as we know it at this point in time. As before, if there is any confusion, please refer to our email dated July 27th, that outlined the priority items needing removed by August 18 while our attorney worked with PG&E and the County as to what they would allow us to keep that would not require a permit should legal non-conforming be allowed, and the letter from our attorney that was sent out on August 3rd that clarifies our zoning requirements and where our efforts should be focused.     


Last weekend, Dean Martinelli brought in one last dumpster before he returned up north to fight the Caldor fire near Lake Tahoe. This will be the final dumpster provided by the association and is solely for wood construction debris. No metal, pressure treated lumber or trash is allowed to be dumped in this box. Once it is full – do not stack anything around or near the dumpster. Keep your debris in your camp until you can haul it home yourself. We are extremely happy that we have been able to provide some dumpsters for the past six weeks to help keep our momentum going, however we’ve exceeded our budget and are well into our reserve funds at this point. So, we no longer have the ability to continue to provide them. We truly appreciate your understanding and cooperation moving forward.

We wish you all a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend!


Westshore Board of Directors

July 4th Golf Cart Parade!

The July 4th holiday is fast approaching, and once again we will be holding our annual and very popular golf cart parade at Westshore. So, for all those who are in camp this coming weekend and interested in participating, please plan to meet with your golf cart decorated on Saturday, July 3rd at 5:30 pm at the boat ramp staging area. The parade will start at around 6:00 pm. Judges will be scoring your creativity and prizes will be handed out. Always a fun time!! For those not participating please plan to come out and root these campers on. Those wishing to help out please get in touch with Jim Silvers sometime Saturday before the parade.

Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 14

The meeting agenda and Zoom invitation will be emailed out prior to the meeting for anyone wishing to join in.

We wish you all a safe and enjoyable 4th of July Holiday!!

Annual Membership Meeting

Important Annual Membership Meeting that all should attend – Saturday July 17, 9:00 AM at the main intersection in front of camp #22.

Our guest speaker this year will be our new PG&E Land Agent. He plans to address all Westshore members on the requirements of our current hold-over Lease Agreement, specifically what structures can stay in camp, what structures must be modified, and what MUST GO in order to obtain our new lease. He will also update us on his upcoming walkthrough with Lake County Regulatory Inspectors. Once the inspection is completed, our Land Agent will author a letter to the Westshore Board outlining the County’s and PG&E’s expectations along with their deadlines for Westshore to bring the camp into compliance. Per our Land Agent, the end goal is to grant Westshore a 10-year lease by the end of this year. Until the inspections have concluded, and PG&E has given us notice, we really cannot speculate what will be required in the coming months. So, we highly recommend that all camp owners attend this important meeting. Our Land Agent has said he will be available to answer questions once he presents his information to the group.

Maintenance Day Update

Hello Westshore Members, 

Our fourth and fifth scheduled Westshore Maintenance Days are Saturday May 15th and Sunday May 16th. All those planning to attend please email the Board with your RSVP no later than Wednesday evening, May 12th. This will help us set up projects and schedule any equipment we may need to rent or supply in advance of that Saturday.  

Due to current Covid-19 requirements, our maintenance days will still need to be set up and executed the same as our first few work parties this year. As always, you must be present and sign in by 9 am and please bring a mask as you see fit. We try to keep work groups small to ensure everyone’s safety.

The list of work projects for our two-day May Maintenance Days include: 

-Finish B dock
-Complete remaining dock repairs on other docks
-Clean up beach area
-Run magnets
-Paint generator room
-Inspect and repair spring and water system if needed
-Install remaining No Trespassing signs along property line and Fuller Grove beach area
-Camp inspections (leaves raked, leaves and debris cleared from rooftops, general clean up of any lumber or project debris)

We will not be able to provide lunch during Covid-19 restrictions. We will break from 12 pm to 12:45 so you can go back to your camps for lunch. At 12:45 we will regroup at the main bathhouse and check in on the status of the assigned projects. Each workday should end around 3 PM as usual.  

We will be providing canned and bottled drinks and packaged snacks like chips and cookies. We will have someone bringing these around throughout the day to the various work crews.   

In order to receive work party credit, you must sign in in the morning and sign out at the end of the day. There will be no exceptions to this rule. We thank all of you in advance who plan to attend. Please keep in mind that all of our scheduled work maintenance days are subject to the weather and may be canceled without a makeup date if necessary. The Board will be monitoring weather forecasts leading up to the weekend maintenance days and will send out an email if forecasts suggest we should cancel.  

Thank you and looking forward to seeing you all for the next maintenance day,  

Westshore Board of Directors    

Board Reminders

It’s deadline season in Westshore and this is your friendly reminder to turn things in and clean things up. This information has been sent out in multiple emails, it’s been posted on the website and published in the Winter Newsletter as well. Please refer to those communications for more details.

 As of April 30th, several boxes need to be checked in order to receive the new gate code. After all items are turned in and complete, you will receive the updated gate code, along with the date of code change in the next couple of weeks. So, watch your mailboxes! The boxes to check and items to complete include:

1) Camp dues must be paid in full.

2) All annual paperwork must be completed, signed and turned into the Secretary.

3) Camps must be cleared of all scrap wood, used building materials, roofing shingles, general trash, etc. Our goal is to maintain a “park-like setting”.

4) Every camp must be raked of leaves and other combustible debris as per our annual fire suppression deadline. This includes clearing all roofs of debris and leaves as well.

Dumpsters are still in camp to help with camp cleanup. Since the deadline has passed for leaf burning, you must haul out any leaves that still remain in your camp. Do NOT put them in any of the camp dumpsters. Camp inspections will be conducted at the May 15th & 16th work party and the gate code will change shortly thereafter.

Thanks so much for all of your cooperation. We are hoping to have everyone comply this year to make it easier on your busy Board Members and Secretaries.

Thanks again!

The Westshore Board

Important Burn Information

April 30th is quickly approaching! We would like to thank all of you who have carefully raked your camps of leaves and debris this spring. For those who have yet to do this, we wanted to remind you that April 30th is the last day our burn permit allows for burning leaves in camp, and any camps not completed by that date must bag and pack your leaves out. You cannot dispose of them in our household waste dumpsters. We are already experiencing extremely dry conditions in camp. Several leaf burning piles that have been left unattended in camp this spring have reignited one to two days after campers have left due to high winds this spring in the basin. It’s very important to ensure that your burn pile is completely extinguished when you leave camp!

With the current drought and windy conditions that are expected to continue this spring and summer, there is a serious concern about extreme fire conditions this year. Attached is a defensive space message that has been sent to all HOA’s in the Lake Pillsbury basin by our Fire Chief at LPFPD. Please read the flyer and the Chief’s message as they both include some very good information about structure protection and the importance of keeping your roof, gutters and under your decks clear. 

Here are a few important reminders when burning leaves in your camps to help keep Westshore safe:  

Call ahead to confirm it is a burn day. Burning is not permitted on non-burn days. The Burn information number for Lake County is (707) 263-3121. – Burn your leaves in small piles. It’s important to burn in a safe location away from trees and vegetation. – Always have a fire extinguisher or water in a fire bucket available at your burn pile at all times.  – Make sure your burn pile is completely out before you leave. Letting our Caretakers know that you’ve extinguished your burn pile alerts them to keep an eye on it for a few days.
The deadline for raking and cleaning your camp is April 30th. In addition to cleaning and raking your camp, all paperwork must be filled out correctly and turned in, and your camp dues paid in full in order for you to receive the new gate combo this spring. 

We appreciate all of you for taking the time to clean up camp and help make Westshore as safe as possible before the next fire season hits. 

Thank you,
Westshore Board of Directors 

Maintenance Day Update!

Westshore Members, 

Our first scheduled Westshore Maintenance Day is fast approaching. Saturday March 20, 2021. Please RSVP no later than Wednesday evening, March 17th to ensure we have sufficient time for project planning and equipment reservations.  

To ensure safety and comfort of work party attendees, we will be implementing some social distancing measures that are in accordance with local laws. As always, arrive at the main bath house by 9am. Masks and 6’ of distance are encouraged during check-in and group assignments. Groups will be smaller than usual, and all projects will take place in the outdoors so continue with or without a mask based on your own comfort level. Please keep your mask with you at all times.  

Temperatures will be taken and you will be asked a few Covid questions prior to signing in.We will break you up into groups that involve your own camp members and/or those you are comfortable working with. We are planning to make everyone as comfortable as possible so this can continue to be an enjoyable event. 

We have a number of trees that were taken down for safety and paid for by the association that will need to be cut up, split and distributed amongst the campers participating. We are considering renting a second wood splitter if we have enough campers sign up – this will help us reduce the number of campers working each location and allow us to get more of the camp cleaned up. Additionally, we will have groups raking leaves in common areas and burning small piles if it’s a burn day. If enough members participate, we would like to have two people run magnets along the main road into camp and the area where we provided a dumpster last fall.     

We will not be able to provide lunch during Covid-19 restrictions. We will break from 12 pm to 12:45 so you can go back to your camps for lunch. At 12:45 we will regroup at the main bathhouse and check in on the status of the assigned projects. The work day should end around 3 PM as usual.  

We will provide canned and bottled drinks and packaged snacks like chips and cookies. We will have someone bringing these around throughout the day to the various work crews.   

Please remember that you must sign in in the morning, and re-sign in following lunch to receive a work day credit for your camp. There will be no exceptions to this rule. We thank all of you in advance who plan to attend. Please keep in mind that all of our scheduled work maintenance days are subject to the weather and may be canceled without a makeup date if necessary. The Board will be monitoring weather forecasts leading up to the Saturday maintenance day and will send out an email if forecasts suggest we should cancel.  

Thank you all, 

Westshore Board of Directors   

Latest FIRE News

Evacuation Orders



The evacuation order now includes all areas and residents north of Pack Saddle Creek, south of the Lake County line, west of the Lake County Line and east of the Lake County Line. Residents are advised that there is an IMMEDIATE threat to life and property from a wildfire, and are urged to evacuate.  Please leave the area.  If you are in need of shelter a Temporary Evacuation Point is being established at the Upper Lake County Park located at 575 East Hwy. 20.  You are asked to stay in your vehicle and wear masks when you arrive at the TEP.  A shelter is being established and you will be directed to the shelter by staff at the TEP.

Take the following protective actions and leave immediately:

1. Gather all family members.

2. Gather all pets.

3. Gather only essential items.

4. Be sure to bring essential medications with you.

5. Turn off all appliances and lights in your home.

6. Lock your home.
