Westshore Updates and Reminders: February, 2023

Happy New Year!!
We’ve started off 2023 with a lot of rain, which has Lake Pillsbury as full as it can be right now. Several gates on the dam
are open which is allowing a steady release. In addition, the ground saturation has allowed our spring to recover and is
currently running at a good capacity again, which is excellent news for our camp’s water supply. We are hopeful enough
rain and snow will continue to fall through the winter and early spring months to ensure a very good summer camping

Annual Paperwork/Dues:
Camp dues and Annual paperwork has been mailed out in early February. Please remember to completely fill out all required paperwork. Review and initial all rules and regulations, even if some may not directly apply to your camp, because these are the rules for the entire campground. Return all paperwork along with your annual dues’ payment postmarked no later than April 30, 2023. A link for electronic payment will be included in the email you receive from our treasurer along with your annual dues invoice should you wish to take advantage of that option.

Spring Scheduled Maintenance Days:
Our first spring Westshore Maintenance Day will be scheduled for Saturday, March 18 th . The remaining schedule for spring maintenances days will be April 22 nd and 23 rd , and May 20 th and 21 st . Please remember that all scheduled work days are subject to weather conditions. Should a maintenance day be postponed or canceled, we will do our very best to reschedule, however a reschedule is not guaranteed. All scheduled maintenance days and events are listed on the annual calendar you received with your annual paperwork.

This will be the first year we offer tiered credits for work days. A breakdown of the tiered credits will be included in your annual paperwork, listed on our Dues Rate Schedule.

Additional Reminders:
Please remember that merchandise with our new and amazing logo that represents Lake Pillsbury and Westshore are available for purchase. Visit www.shoplakepillsbury.com for all that’s currently available.
Lastly, our Caretakers wanted us to remind you that they are available to assist you if you need help raking your camp. This would be outside of their normal campground duties and any arrangements are strictly between you and them. We provided their direct contact information in the email you received on January 30 th.

We hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a safe and happy new year. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!

Westshore Board of Directors